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Unlock the Power of Your Intuition with Facilitator Diana Harris

Time is TBD


Location is TBD

Each of us is intuitive. In this workshop, you will learn to unlock your Inner Wise One so that you may step into your Soul Potential. Intuition is our internal GPS. It helps us to navigate our lessons and to bring our gifts to Light.

Unlock the Power of Your Intuition with Facilitator Diana Harris
Unlock the Power of Your Intuition with Facilitator Diana Harris

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Location is TBD

About the event

In this course you will learn how Heaven speaks to you; how to fine-tune the intuitive sense that you were born with; how to be a clear receiver and overcome blocks; and how to deepen your relationship with your

Angels/Guides. We will work with various tools that will allow us to stretch our intuitive muscles and unlock our potential. These practices will help you to trust yourself, center your mind, expand your awareness, and clarify your energy so that you are better receiver and interpreter of the signs Heaven is sending you.

This class is enlightening, fun, and highly interactive. You will leave it more empowered and with some wonderful

spiritual tools that will support your highest potential. The workshop is open to all seekers on the Path. Unique to other class formats, Diana intuitively tailors the curriculum to the needs of the students. This greatly enhances the learning experience.…

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