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Pendulums and Discernment

Writer's picture:  Aum shanti book & crystals Aum shanti book & crystals

What are Pendulums and how are they used?

If we look at ancient art, such as Greek and Egyptian paintings, we will find images of pendulums. They have been a tool of humanity since ancient times, probably before the recording of history and were considered one of the fundamental tools in Greek science. And the power of pendulums are still available for us today. The East teaches us that the goal of life is finding balance within the oscillation of life, and this is the same energy that guides the pendulum, its oscillating balance.

There are many ways to use your pendulum. Asking and receiving answers to yes/no questions is the most basic tool of a pendulum. But this is not its only use. In fact, the oscillation of a pendulum is a 180 degree possible swing, with allows for far more complex questions and answers than just yes or no. It is easiest to start with yes/no questions and then as you get comfortable with the subtle messages of the pendulum and how to phrase questions, you may move to more complex questions and answers.

It is best not to share your pendulum. You want to keep it’s energy clear and programmed for you. (Step 3 below will present Programming your pendulum). The choice of material (traditionally crystal, metal or wood) is of personal choice. It is best to hold and try a variety of materials and shapes to see what resonates and feels comfortable to you. Choice of materials might be considered in the type of help being sought of the pendulum. For instance working on opening a particular chakra would suggest a crystal pendulum that resonates with that pendulum. Help with health (life force) questions would suggest a wood or carnelian pendulum. But for most pendulum practitioners, they develop a relationship with a particular pendulum and continue to use it regardless of the type of questions being asked. A pendulum can also be used in place of muscle testing.

How to Use a Pendulum to Answer Yes/No Questions

1. Relax and bring your mind to a calm and focused state with your thoughts releasing any worries and distractions. Free yourself of internal chatter and noise. Do not multi-task, but be present to the pendulum. Relax and focus. Quiet music may help, along with other meditational aids like candles, incense, or crystals. But these things are not required. You can use your pendulum anywhere, at any time, with or without these extra items.

2. Position yourself and your pendulum. Ideally, you want to sit up straight or stand straight. Grasp the pendulum's fob ( the end of the chain opposite the pendulum) between your thumb and forefinger, or the end of the chain just blow the fob. Arch your wrist slightly, steady your forearm (but not your hand). You can use something solid, like the edge of a table to steady your arm, but in time you get used to just holding your arm steady and at rest. Let the pendulum just dangle, but hold it still. Your hand may shake but it won’t matter to the pendulum. but don’t worry if your hand shakes a little bit.

3. You should now Program your pendulum’s signals if you haven’t before. You only need to do this step once, unless you decide to make changes afterward. The purpose of programming is to establish signals for each of these answers:

- Yes

- No

- Maybe (which can also be interpreted as "I don't want to say")

Here are some common, easy-to-read signals that your pendulum may use:

- front to back (like a head nod - common for “yes”)

- side to side (like a head shake - common for “no”)

- clockwise circle

- counterclockwise circle

To begin Programming, first ask your pendulum “What is your yes?” Then be patient for this beginning use of the pendulum. Again stay focused and mindful. Give the pendulum space to answer. Then ask the opposite, “what is your no?” And finally ask about “maybe”. You might ask if here is a different response for “don’t know” or “can’t say”, etc.

Now verify the answers. You can test out the different answers by asking a couple of test questions, such as “Is my name ____?” Or, "Is today Monday?" Basically, you want to verify that yes is yes and no is no. If the signals are consistent, go back to the beginning of step 3and reprogram the pendulum. Once your signals are verified, you skip this step.

4. Then you will Program your pendulum’s Source. Unlike steps 3, you'll want to include this step every time you prepare to use your pendulum. The purpose is to establish where the pendulum will get its answers. The goal is to tap into your higher self. Skipping this step may cause your pendulum to restrict itself to the subconscious mind or Ego.

Begin each session by saying something like, “I call upon the higher self to answer these questions. I seek only truthful answers, which are aligned with the highest and greatest good for all concerned.” Or, “ I ask that the Source of all that is Good and True guide my pendulum….” this can be said silently or aloud. Do what you are comfortable with, and of course, feel free to tailor this language to words that reflect Source for you and so that it matches your own terminology.

5. Ask your question. Ask questions that can be answered by YES or NO. Be as specific and clear as you can in your phrasing. Avoid asking for opinions or using the words “should” or “supposed to” in your questions. You might want to initially first write out questions so you can more easily see any ambiguity in your questions. Be specific with dates, times, names, places. (“Will my appointment tomorrow at 10am with ___ provide solution to ____?”) Be objective in the question not biasing towards the answer. (“Will John, that jerk, ever ask me out?”)

6. Wait for the answer. Be patient. Give the pendulum as much time as needed. The speed of answers will probably change over time as your relationship develops. Concentrate on your question but do not concentrate on what you think the answer should or will be. And try not to become anxious. Remember to breath! If it is difficult to focus you might try Clearing your thoughts by closing your eyes. Keep them closed and look up. This little muscle exercise will temporarily short-circuit the conscious mind's involvement and bring you back to a neutral, unbiased state. Remain detached about the answer and focus only on receiving a correct, unbiased answer.

When the pendulum swings, look at it - observe its direction. This is your answer. If it doesn’t move immediately, give it time, or if it’s unclear what the signal is, try rephrasing the question and do it again. When the pendulum swings with great force, it’s answering loudly. If it swings with only light force, you can interpret this as a quiet, perhaps less committed response.

8. Clear the pendulum at the end of each question by touching its weight to the palm of your free hand or on another surface. This signals that your question has been answered and you are ready to move on to the next question.

9. Protect and cherish your pendulum when not in use. You might wear it on a neck chain or in a little bag with a cord. That way it will receive your energy all day long, and will be readily attuned to your body's energy and vibrational level. And it will be easily accessed when you have a question to ask. Or you can keep it in a pouch or a keepsake box.

If worn or used much, the metal of the pendulum will eventually oxidize and develop a patina; a warm glow accentuated by darkened areas. And crystals may develop a skin, which is natural for crystals. You can either leave it this way, or if you prefer a bright and shiny surface, gently polish with a soft cloth to remove the oxidation. Never use abrasive cleansers or expose to salts. Ideally store in a cool dry place when not worn.

Pendulum Charts

Pendulum charts expand the power of your pendulum far beyond the simple yes/no/maybe question method. Pendulum charts are available individually or in booklets.

There are lots of different types of charts. Some are complicated and others, quite simple, but the principle is the same in all. Instead of using pre-programmed signals (as you would when asking yes/no questions), your pendulum uses the reference points on the chart to show you answers. Usually the charts are a half-sphere with subdivisions, each division labeled with a different possible answer. For example, a chart for nutrition might have divisions with different vitamins or herbs to answer which would be beneficial for your diet. Or for Chakra energy work the divisions would have the major Chakra names.

Chart work is usually done standing or sitting at a table. The charts may be opened from a booklet or created at the time to address the possibilities of the questions that are going to be asked. Remember to Program the Source even when using charts.

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