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Your Crystals and the Moon

Writer's picture:  Aum shanti book & crystals Aum shanti book & crystals

Updated: Jul 8, 2021

The Moon Goddess

In the Roman tradition, Luna is the divine embodiment of the Moon. Selene is her Greek name, also associated with the triple-bodied lunar goddess Hecate. She is often presented as the female complement of the Sun, conceived of as a god. Luna is not a distinct goddess, but rather the manifestation of the goddess: for instance both Diana and Juno were also identified as moon goddesses. She is unique as a visible god(dess) in the sky, driving her moon chariot across the sky, rather than invisible, unseen, like most gods. In the Celtic tradition, each of the 12 or 13 moons of a year have their own name and identity. For instance the first moon was the Wolf / Storm Moon and the last moon was the Long Night Moon.

Chang’e, the Chinese goddess of immortality, lives on the Moon. On the Mid-Autumn Festival which falls on the full Moon night of the eighth lunar month, an open-air altar is set up facing the Moon for the worship of Chang'e. For Polynesians, the Moon is the home of the goddess Hina, the creator of art and culture, who chose it for the peace and quiet.

Sarah Faith Gottesdiener in her “Moon Book” notes, “Moontime is feminist praxis. It is something we work with, not something we have power over… moontime allows us to step into wholeness. Time of aching, of grief, of sorrow, of frustration prepare us for flow, for joy.”

Knowing the phase of the moon is helpful in understanding your own energy, as well as the energy of your crystals. Like the ocean, we are all in energetic flux from the pull of the moon. Consider the lunar phase you are currently experiencing. Are you waxing gibbous, drawing near to the completion of goals in your life? Or more of a new moon, just beginning a new phase or relationship in your life? And the menstrual cycle averages the same length as the lunar cycle. Many cultural calendars are also lunar, such as the Chinese, Hindu and Jewish calendars. The classic Farmers Almanac was written based on the phases of the moon, so farmers and gardeners could work in the night with the light of the moon, planting, nurturing and harvesting in moonlight rather than sunlight.

One way of clearing and recharging crystals is to use the phases of the moon. The light from the full moon is perfect for charging and cleansing your crystals . By leaving the crystals under a full moon , they'll release any lingering energy so that the next time you use them, they'll be all clear. In mild weather, crystals can be put outside under the full moon moonlight, or set on a window sill or under a skylight in inclement weather, to release foreign energy and strengthen their own innate energy. You can also take a moonbath with your crystals, lightly dressed or naked under the moon or in your bathtub or on your bed during the full moon phase.

Crystals to Work with Moon Energy

There are several crystals associated with the Moon, also known by her classic name, Luna. They are known for both containing the power of the Moon through sympathetic vibrations, or as being particularly affected by the Moon’s influence.

Crystals are a great tool for living into the energy of the Moon. Journaling what you experience is helpful for seeing the deeper truths, patterns and messages. It’s a great way to track your energy and relationship to the Moon and crystals, and synchronicities. You might also have poems and songs to journal as part of the experience. Sarah Faith Gottesdiener suggests considering crystals for loving the Moon.

Moonstone: Moonstone holds the energy of destiny and divinity because of the blues and lunar energy within the stone. It connects to the aspect of guidance that the moon offers, reminding you to trust your path and allow life to unfold. When you connect with this crystal, you will find yourself exactly where you need to be energetically and spiritually for life to manifest in the best way for you.

Selenite: This stone’s name is also connected to the moon by way of the Greek Goddess, Selene, the goddess of the moon. She drives her moon chariot across the heavens. Selenite captures that powerful beam of light that the full moon provides, and allows you to tap into its high vibrational frequency to raise your own energetic vibration to manifest from a higher state of being.

Clear Quartz: When it comes to the full moon, there is both an energy of reflection and manifestation. Clear Quartz helps you gain clarity so you can see what intentions need a boost of energy and channel that clarity toward manifesting those intentions.

Tourmalated Quartz: This is a particularly useful crystal during the Waxing and Waning of the Moon. It combines Black Tourmaline, a dark, grounding stone, with Clear Quartz, a light crystal. Not only does the visual appearance of this stone completely align and capture the energy of these moons, but it also holds a similar energy by helping you bring awareness to both the lighter and darker aspects of your life. Working with this crystal allows you to check-in and reflect on the phases of the cycle you’ve gone through so far, so you can highlight some of the positive aspects, as well as learn from some of the not-so positive aspects.

Labradorite: Labradorite clears, balances and protects the aura. This is a crystal of transformation, enhanced patience and inner knowing. It’s energy itself is in flux under the phase and influence of the Moon. It helps provide clarity and insight into your destiny, as well as attract success. It assists with changes, attracting strength & perseverance.

Opal:This is a wonderful crystal for healing the emotions. It clears and calms the heart and brings a sense of peace and tranquility to one’s aura. It is an excellent stone for those who may suffer under the Moon’s influence at night, including those who have difficulty sleeping or tend to have nightmares.

Crystals by Moon Phases

New Moon

The cycle of the Moon begins with the New Moon, which includes the day of and the three days that follow each new moon. In the Celtic tradition this marks the beginning cycle and name of each Moon. This is a period filled with possibility and optimism. Anything and everything is now possible. It is also a chance to put aside what didn’t work and try again, in a new, creative direction. In Ancient Greece, offerings for protection given to Hecate were left at her altars during the New Moon.

Crystals well suited to this period include those that clarify and remove distractions:

All Moonstones - the crystal of new beginnings

Carnelian - action, raised vitality, and forward movement

Pyrite - a talisman for growth and prosperity

Smokey Quartz - providing a protective aura, clearing distractions

Turquoise - express things that will be brought to the surface

Other grounding, balancing crystals to start a new cycle of the Moon:

Lodestone, Hematite, Clear Quartz, Fluorite, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla, Kunzite, Celestite, Obsidian, Aragonite, Cinnabar, Rhodochrosite

For financial goals:

Lodestone - bringing confidence, success and balance

Citrine – increasing energy and creativity

Pyrite – stimulating financial and business success

For action and strength:

Tigereye – a crystal of courage, success, and action

Smokey Quartz – a grounding and stabilizing crystal

First Quarter/Waxing Moon Phase

The Waxing Moon presides over a period of growth and expansion. This is also a period suited to taking action, exploring new ideas and techniques. It suits external plans and accomplishments, growth and expansion. This is the time to do “the work”.

The Waxing Gibbous Phase is the intermediate phase of the moon from the first quarter up until the Full Moon. Waxing means that it is getting bigger. Gibbous refers to the shape, which is less than the full circle of a Full Moon, but larger than the semicircle shape of the Moon at Third Quarter. With some exceptions, the Waxing Gibbous Moon actually rises during the day, after noon, bright enough to be seen clearly in the afternoon sky. It remains visible in the evening and sets after midnight.

Crystals well suited to this period include those that energize and bring in bounty:

Ruby - for integrity, devotion and happiness, prosperity

Garnet - stimulates willpower, intuition, safety and trust

Tiger Iron - helps with creative endeavors, brings strength and clarity

Ammonite - increasing stamina, vitality, change, and evolution

Pyrite – stimulating business and financial success

Citrine - increasing energy and creativity

Tigereye – for courage, success, and action

Blue Tigereye – to gain perspective and face situations fully, seeing the overview clearly and then helping with decision making

Green Opal - strengthening all types of relationships

Crystals with strong life force and creative energy:

Carnelian - for restoring vitality and motivation, and for stimulating creativity

Pink Moonstone - good fortune and abundance, and sustaining energy

Honey Calcite – to gently amplify energy

Lemon Quartz – to amplify thoughts, energy and memory

Malachite - for money, love centering, and balancing

Jaspers- for healing and energy

Full Moon

The time of the Full Moon includes the day of and the three days that follow. We stop to bathe in the radiant splendor of the Full Moon. She is grace and love, and powerful yearning. This is a period of ripeness and fullness. The Full Moon is when the Moon is at its brightest and most powerful, which makes this the perfect time to address any intentions that could use a boost of energy. And by harnessing the frequency of light from the Moon, you can bring light to whatever it is you want to manifest. This is a great time to check in with any intentions you’ve been working on and decide which ones could use the high vibrational energy of the Moon to bring them to full fruition.

Crystals well suited to this period include those for intuition and creativity:

All Moonstones - the crystal of the Moon’s own light and intuition

Angelite - guidance from higher source, remaining calm and serene

Zebra Jasper - to heed what the Full Moon reveals and address what needs balanced

Citrine - to focus energy on goals and a lift in confidence

Malachite - cleanse of regrets and move forward in control of the journey

If you need strong, clear energy for seeing things through to completion:

Selenite – for clearing and activating

Lapis lazuli – for a clear perspective and personal growth

Herkimer Diamond - to increase power & purify energy

Clear Quartz - achieving virtually any goal in life and amplifying energy

Celestine – for raised consciousness and block distractions

All Jaspers for energy and healing

A powerful and effective way to harness the full moon energy for your intentions is by setting Full Moon intentions, particularly by writing them down. By writing your intentions you can also reprogram your direction, energize your entire being, and help you work through the Waning Moon Phase.

Last Quarter/Waning Moon Phase

The Waning Moon is a time of reflection. It is a time best for reviewing and updating, refining the process as things work towards completion. It suits internal reflection and self-care, nourishing and consolidating. It is also a time for working behind the scenes, checking in on others, sharing love in a more subtle way.

This phase actually has two periods as the moon gradually shrinks into a Waning Gibbous Moon through to her Third Quarter, then fading into a Waning Crescent Moon. Each night she rises later and later. The Waning Gibbous is the time of the second harvest, the time of greatest clarity or insight if we are open and receptive. The Waning Crescent is the time of rest and reflection.

Crystals well suited to this period include those that protect and clarify:

Clear Quartz - assist in achieving virtually any goal in life, balancing

Celestite - emotional protection and to end worry, fear, and anxiety.

Icelandic Spar - brings clarity, insight, manifestation, enhancement, and power

Selenite - clearing and releasing that which is not serving.

Kunzite - crystal for clearing, self-love, promoting humility and self-tolerance

If you feel you need mental and spiritual protection:

Jet - for protection, good fortune, divination, and health

Rose Quartz - for emotional healing and balance

Black Tourmaline – for protection, grounding, and balancing

Obsidian - grounds and protects, vitalizes purpose, and eliminates blockages

If you need an uncrossing:

Himalayan Salt – clears foreign energy and improves environment

Selenite – clears and shields from outside influences

Icelandic Spar - brings clarity, insight, manifestation, and rooting out problems

Dark Moon Phase

The Dark Moon is the three-day period before the New Moon. The Moon disappears completely from view, soon to re-enter the New Moon phase, then reemerge and repeat this cycle over and over. This can be a period filled with rebellious innovation. It can also be a period of insight and new vision, including challenges to the status quo. But this can also be a difficult period, with heightened rage or exhaustion. Traditionally this is a time for banishing and release work, to offer up what you want transformed and reborn with the New Moon. And it is a time for forgiveness.

Crystals well suited to this period include those that calm and banish confusion and doubt:

Sodalite - clear negative feelings

Labradorite - dispel fear, anxiety and negativity

Garnet - stimulate willpower, intuition, and trust

Tourmaline - break free of situations in which you feel entrapped or unresolved

Onyx - assist with emotional balance, self control and relieving stress.

Jet – to dispel, protect and draw off negative energy.

Shungite – to detoxify

Hematite – to reflect off negative and foreign energy

Lepidolite- decrease stress and anxiety, heal and transform

Rhodonite - inner growth, healing, calming, and balance

Black Moonstone - increase mental power

Dumortierite – to take control and gain patience

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