Mediumship offers a powerful tool for spiritual insight for living as they connect to those who have crossed over.
Many people feel a calling toward mediumship and want to know more about how to expand their energy and raise their consciousness so they are able to connect with the spirit world.
Author Kerrie Erwin has lived between two worlds since childhood and is able to see and hear spirit people talking. Now a spiritual medium and clairvoyant, she works with spirit rescues and hauntings and connects living people to loved ones who have passed over into the spirit world.
This practical book will be an essential tool in the development of one’s own mediumship as it explores the many aspects of what a medium does, practically and spiritually. It also shares the importance of meditation and how sitting in your power with dedication can enhance your direct communication skills with loved ones, your loving guides, and angel helpers― your true spiritual teachers.
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wHAT IS aUM sHANTI definition
AUM Shanti (Sanskrit: ॐ शान्तिः) is an invocation for peace or an invocation to God and is usually chanted three times to become aum shanti shanti shanti. This mantra means “AUM, peace, peace, peace.” The phrase can be seen as a salutation, but it appears mostly in Hindu and Buddhist prayers, writings and ceremonies.
Thank You for all your support and gratitude during these unprecedented times.
SKU: 9781925924985
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