Everyone faces difficulties in life. Whether it’s a scary diagnosis, the challenges of caregiving, the end of a relationship or job, or adjusting to an empty nest, every human being goes through times of loss and grief.
Your trusty Tarot deck can provide comfort and wise counsel during tough times.
The Cards You’re Dealt is the new book from bestselling author Theresa Reed. One of the world’s leading voices on Tarot—with a 30+ year career reading Tarot for thousands of clients—Theresa masterfully explains how to use Tarot to navigate life’s trickiest situations.
Whether you’re a Tarot newbie holding your very first deck—or a Tarot professional looking for new spreads to try out with clients—you’ll love this book.
Ultimately, this is a book about living well. Theresa urges readers to celebrate each precious moment of life, make the most of your time, and make the best of the cards you’ve been dealt.
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wHAT IS aUM sHANTI definition
AUM Shanti (Sanskrit: ॐ शान्तिः) is an invocation for peace or an invocation to God and is usually chanted three times to become aum shanti shanti shanti. This mantra means “AUM, peace, peace, peace.” The phrase can be seen as a salutation, but it appears mostly in Hindu and Buddhist prayers, writings and ceremonies.
Thank You for all your support and gratitude during these unprecedented times.
SKU: 9781578638031
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